In May Kanibal Home celebrates its one year anniversary in Jersey City, but a
big present came in early.
I'm beyond thrilled to announce that Kanibal Home has been named a "Best of NJ" by New Jersey Monthly readers! The shop was named a runner up in four categories: Antiques, Clothing Boutique/Women's, Home Furnishings and Vintage/Consignment.That's big. Like
holy cow big. But what means the most to me -- and everyone else that has a hand in Kanibal Home -- is that the votes came from YOU. I love my customers. They make what I do worthwhile. I look forward to coming into work every day and seeing you, hearing your stories and helping you pick out gifts (whether they might be for you or someone else). I'm always astonished by your generosity and kindness. Just this weekend two separate customers brought me in presents: homemade fritters and a turtle skull in a vial. And the other week another customer brought me in the whole Sookie Stackhouse series (I'm almost through
Club Dead). Sounds weird, but it couldn't be more perfect.
So I guess what I'm trying to say is THANK YOU. Thanks for making every day so special and thanks for all the support.
To check out the full
New Jersey Monthly article pick up the April 2010 issue or click