Sunday, July 20, 2008

Out of Office Reply

We took a much needed brainstorming session by the beach for a few days and returned refreshed, relaxed and refocused. Kanibal Home is getting some new product updates along with a whole new look and we wanted to be ready for the launch.

The mini break also helped us prioritize. Yea we've all heard it before -- you can't work, work, work without making time for play -- but sometimes it's tough to break away.

Just look at the shell necklace we made for a friend while resting up. That wouldn't have happened if we didn't clear out some of the webs clogging up our head.

But we couldn't wait to come home and finish some upholstering for Kanibal Home ... check the store to see what we've done with an old 1960's cathedral-style chair. We also squeezed in some scrapbooking, cleaning, bill sorting ... okay, it's hard work for us to rest sometimes. At least our garden didn't fry up in the sun while unattended.

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