Tuesday, June 7, 2011

New Items in the Shop

I have a black thumb. So much so that I often wonder if my skin is poisonous to plants. How can it be that I plant and kill those suckers so quickly?

So I've been pretty impressed with myself that the flowers in front of the shop have lasted so long ... until last week's heat wave. I came back from New Orleans to find a bunch of fried stems where my azaleas had once bloomed. "I promised I watered them!" Sara explained.

But I wasn't too worried. Like in so many other situations, death leads to life, and this was no exception. Also dead plants means I get to go to my favorite place in the whole wide world: Home Depot! I skip down the expansive aisles breathing in sawdust and dreaming about all the projects I could tackle. Do I need a new circular saw? I think so. How about some more spray primer? Hells yea! And who doesn't need extra paint brushes and sand paper and light bulbs ... yea, I love home improvement stores.

This time, though, I limited myself to the rooftop nursery. I still purchased more than I intended (tomato and basil plants for my deck), but I got some gorgeous purple wave petunias too, which inspired me to finally complete an upholstery project that I had been dragging my feet finishing.

(The flowers that gave me the extra push to finally finish ...)

(... this pretty floral bench seat.)

(Vintage piano seat with a new custom upholstered top)

1 comment:

www.iglgarden.com said...

Great job . I love it !!!