Saturday, September 18, 2010

New Window: Back to School Cool

My mother isn't one to hold back her feelings and growing up the Scalia kids knew exactly how she felt around back-to-school time. After spending a full summer with five kids 24/7, to say she was ready for us to be gone was a gross understatement. The first week of September was her equivalent of Christmas.

Now working at the shop I see it a little different. I still feel that same excitement for change, but it's a little like looking in from the outside. But I am seeing that same enthusiasm for the school year from my friends with kids. You get a lot of "Well, it's not like I don't love little Bobby or spending time with him ... it's just that -- well -- holy god I need some ME time!"

So, to all you parents and big kids going back to school to get your learn on, have a great September. This window design is for you.

(Crafted sign made out of paint, graph paper and broken pencils. Vintage school chair and 1950's chest props.)

(Soft, smoosh-able lunch boxes)

(Fall fashion at its best: A cute cropped jacket, over-sized tunic and statement necklace.)

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