"Nothing in nature is exhausted in its first use." - Ralph Waldo Emerson, Works
A lot of people talk about inspiration, muses, finding your creative core, etc. However, not a lot of people talk about those "aha!" moments when paging through magazines, riding on the subway or mindlessly talking with friends. Sure, I can find inspiration for new tees and website design from visiting a museum or doing research, but I also just as easily find myself solving problems and brainstorming on the subway.
The problem with that? You aren't ready for the creative juices to start flowing so half the time you get off the subway, start or end your day, get confronted by something else and by the time you do have a moment to brainstorm again ... what was I saying?
Exactly. The thought is gone.
So years ago I realized I needed a place to keep all those thoughts -- some I could use now, some that would be utilized in the future. I picked up a black, blank bound journal at Barnes & Noble and started being diligent about pasting down items in magazines I found interested, scribbling notes about window displays or new products.
So, re: the title of this post, if you've said to yourself "What was that idea I had?" grab a bound book and start scrap booking.

(A page in progress. Cut outs of products I like or liked at some point.)

(One page of several where I glue down coffee table and design books I hope to one day own.)
And what often happens is I page through my inspiration book and find something that I had written down days or weeks or years ago ... and it inspires me to jot down additional thoughts or create something new.